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Provided you have access to the Internet, now the whole world can learn the fundamentals to exporting. I've released my book, "
Start and Run a Profitable Exporting Business" for
100% FREE readership over at Google Books
(thank you Google!). It took a couple of weeks to get it processed but it's finally live.
This is a perfect time to dig in and learn everything there is know about how to export since President Obama has put such a big push behind this expansion mode for SMBs. Read our previous posts covering the National Export Initiative
here and
I am currently working on the next level digital aspect to exporting for entrepreneurs and small businesses (e.g., how to leverage websites, blogs, Facebook and Twitter to take your business global along with how best to digitally sell and collect payment from overseas customers) which will serve as a nice complement to "
Start and Run a Profitable Exporting Business." Watch for that release soon but in the meantime, I highly recommend that you read "
Start and Run a Profitable Exporting Business"
first to truly understand the basics of what it takes to go global.
Enjoy. And if you like it, all I ask is that you write a review. I'd welcome hearing from you especially if my book helps you take the first step toward
making the world your business. Many thanks. Happy exporting!
Note: "
Start and Run a Profitable Exporting Business" will be featured permanently on
The Global Small Business Blog in the lower right hand corner for easy access.
Posted by: Laurel J. Delaney,
The Global Small Business Blog