Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Two Powerhouse CEOs Have a Conversation About the Importance of Global Small Businesses

©2015 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.  Jack Ma, Founder &
Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group (second from left)
©2015 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.
Jack Ma, Founder & Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group (R)
©2015 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.
Jack Ma, Founder & Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group (R)
©2015 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.
Ken Chenault, Chairman & CEO, American Express (L) and Jack Ma, Founder & Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group (R)
I had the great honor and privilege to listen to Ken Chenault, Chairman & CEO, American Express and Jack Ma, Founder & Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group have a conversation on building and supporting the small business community and the opportunities and challenges facing them.
Small businesses are making a big impact.  From local restauranteurs to online shop owners, entrepreneurs are helping shape and enhance their communities around the world.

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