Sunday, October 03, 2004

Trend: Small Businesses Are Going Global

In Small Business Trends (9/30/04)

A BIG thanks to the futurists at Small Business Trends! Co-editor Anita Campbell interviewed me and then put together a mini trend report highlighting which small businesses are going global and what opportunities lie ahead. The report re-affirms that the world can be your oyster provided you keep up to date on what is happening across the planet.

You can find the report here: Trend Report: Small Businesses Are Going Global


Anita Campbell said...

Laurel, thank YOU! That was a great report and we really appreciate insights coming from experts like you.


Laurel Delaney said...

Thanks Anita. I also plan to mention Small Business Trends in the next edition of "Borderbuster." If you are a subscriber, watch for it tomorrow (10/5/04). Warm wishes, Laurel