Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Janelle Beauty Leads in the Multicultural Beauty Category (wegginar®)

©Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global®.  All rights reserved.
Join the Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global's wegginar® today, 7/7/21 at 11AM CT LIVE, starring Anika Janelle Pettiford, founder of Janelle Beauty, who will talk about Becoming a Global Market Leader in the Multicultural Beauty Category.

Insights you will walk away with and apply to your own business:
  • Create a business that meets a local need.
  • Understand how to extrapolate your business model to a national audience.
  • Find the commonalities your customers share with customers around the world.
  • Plan ahead for international operational and logistical workflows.

Event is free of charge thanks to wegg's generous sponsors:  Associated Bank, Union Pacific, APCO Worldwide, FedEx, GlobalCare Clinical Trials, Passport Shipping, Multilingual Connections and EXIM Bank.  

To learn more and to register, visit here.

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