Wednesday, June 29, 2011

China Will Become a Creative Force: Are You Ready?

Interesting article here about the creative forces behind China and why it's been slow to peak.

Why just take a look:
"If you think about a discipline where China can make its mark, it would be outdoor," said Doug Schiff. "Japan excels at interactive, Singapore is known for print and Thailand TV. In China, most of the award-winning work has been in outdoor." He said the relatively low cost of outdoor campaigns makes it easier to experiment.
Yet, tried and true trends are emerging:
... we are seeing among the Chinese creative community in general are neo-traditionalism, nostalgia/retro, and a yearning for childhood," Mr. Schokora said, noting that what those have in common is a preoccupation with history. "As forward-looking as China is, creative inspiration is still coming from its rich past and robust heritage."
Read the entire article here

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog