Friday, November 05, 2010

Every Thing You Need to Know About Cloud Computing

Photo credit:  Laurel Delaney,
Three useful articles on cloud computing that cover:  why cloud computing will change the way we work, what ten factors you need to consider before you put your business into a cloud and what are the benefits to cloud computing?  Take a look. 

1.  Why Cloud Computing Will Change The Way We Work
According to Wikipedia (, cloud computing is: “Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid.” In simpler language: Cloud computing is a data center, controlled by a vendor, that your employees access to share, edit, store and play files over the Internet from any location in the world. Google’s Gmail, Apps, Docs and Sites ... read more.
2.  10 Factors to Consider Before You Put Your Business in a Cloud
You can choose from a wide range of service providers with varying pricing, depending on the complexity of your business needs and the amount of capacity you require. Here are 10 factors to consider before you make ... read more.
3.  10 Benefits of Cloud Computing
1.  Achieve economies of scale - increase volume output or productivity with fewer people. Your cost per unit, project or product plummets.

2.  Reduce spending on technology infrastructure.  Maintain easy access to your information with minimal upfront spending.  Pay as you go (weekly, quarterly or yearly), based on ... read more.
Full disclosure:  Verio ( is a client of and is a customer of Verio's.

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

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